Do you feel foggy headed and bloated with low energy? Do you often have an upset stomach? Has life lost its fun? It could be a sensitivity to gluten.
Download the free eBook “Gluten Free Living” now and quickly feel better.
What is Gluten Free About?
In the free eBook, Gluten Free Living, you will discover how to quickly feel energetic and pain-free by avoiding gluten foods. You’ll also learn:
What Is Gluten Free About
What Is Gluten Free Living
What Are Gluten Free Foods
Gluten Free Diet List
Cheap Gluten Free Food
How to Cut Gluten Out of Your Diet
The impact on children’s health is even more damaging.Increasingly, scientific studies reveal that for some people, gluten can have horrific health consequences such as pain, fatigue, confusion, irritability and irreversible damage to the bowels that may require surgery and that may ultimately lead to colon cancer.
A growing number of children are diagnosed with gluten sensitivity each year and many adults have suffered from an intolerance to gluten their entire lives. This alarming trend may be the result of increased gluten levels in modern wheat or because many convenient foods contain high levels of gluten. Still, it may be a combination of these issue along with the increased prevalence of food additives.
Regardless of the cause, it has been proven that removing gluten from the diet often results in dramatic health improvements.
It is estimated that nearly 1 in a 100 people suffers from Celiac disease. The short definition of Celiac disease is that the intestine is damaged by gluten, resulting in inflammation, blood in the intestines, foggy thinking, irritability and more. There are over 300 symptoms and health consequences of Celiac disease, including the following
Abdominal pain, Anemia, Bloating, Bone Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Diarrhea, Fertility problems,
Headaches, Inability to concentrate or focus, Weight problems, Death.
In extreme cases, death may result. Chronic inflammation of the bowels contributes colon cancer.
Because their bodies are still growing and developing, Celiac disease is particularly devastating to children. In children, Celiac disease may cause behavioral changes, damage to tooth enamel, bloated and distended abdomen, and failure to gain weight in addition to the long list of symptoms mentioned above.
Unfortunately, the suffering caused by Celiac disease grows progressively worse if lifestyle changes are not adopted. The results of continuing to eat a diet rich in gluten will result in malnutrition, osteoporosis, neurological problems, lymphoma, surgical removal of the intestines, lymphoma and premature death.
What is Gluten Free Living?
Celiac disease cannot be cured, but it can be managed with a gluten-free lifestyle. A gluten free lifestyle permits the intestines to heal. In time, a full recovery is possible. As a person heals, their body will again absorb the full array of nutrients from the food they eat.
Some people suffer additional symptoms which include a skin condition called Dermatitis Herpetiformis. Also knowns as DH. DH is a Celiac disease of the skin that appears as clusters of fluid filled blisters. Only a gluten free diet can heal DH.
There are some indications that hyper children may be sensitive to gluten. While the research is inconclusive at this time, there are many anecdotal cases where children’s attention and behavior significantly improved when they followed a gluten-free diet.
Gluten may also be connected to some autoimmune diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis, Multiple Sclerosi, and Thyroid Disease.
On the other hand, following a gluten-free diet has proven to increase energy, increased feelings of joy, enhanced mental focus and established healthy body weight. Simply put, people feel better on a gluten-free diet and enjoy life more.
Download the free eBook “Gluten Free Living” now and quickly feel better.