Affiliate Marketing On YouTube

Affiliate Marketing On YouTubeIf you want to create videos that make money, you will have to make videos that capture people’s attention. In other words, make it worth their time to hear your message. The days of just winging it with whatever came to mind are gone. The internet and YouTube have evolved.

How to Make Money from YouTube Videos.

To borrow a bit of wisdom from Hollywood, to succeed with video marketing, you must give the people what they want.

Videos that make money are interesting videos. They are entertaining on some level and being entertaining; they must tell a story. Ideally, this story will stir an emotional response in the viewer. That’s what good stories do, and that’s what good videos do too.

How to Earn Money with YouTube Video.

There are five keys to creating an entertaining video.

  1. Storytelling
  2. Composition
  3. Rewriting, editing, and polishing
  4. Networking
  5. Basic YouTube SEO


This is not as difficult as it might first appear, particularly with a few easy to follow video marketing systems.

Affiliate Marketing Using YouTube Videos.

Lovely young woman looking at the camera.When it comes to telling stories with video, there needs to be a hook to grab the viewers’ attention. If the video is about a particular subject, a viewer is watching to learn something new, perhaps to solve a problem or to gain an advantage, perhaps even to make money online.

Stories are about solving a problem. There is a beginning, middle and end. People watch to see the solution, but it is a conflict that keeps them watching. Think about television commercials you enjoy. These are structured into a story form.

Try telling the commercial to yourself and you will discover the structure of the commercial’s story. That’s a great way to learn. Super Bowl commercials are the best, and they are easy to find online.


Hollywood uses storyboards to organize their stories. This is the only way to keep track of all that must be accomplished in a movie. However, short videos can benefit from storyboarding too.

Think of it as directing the thoughts of your viewer. To make money with YouTube videos, you must move your viewer to take specific action. This might be to buy something, sign up to your mailing list, or to click a link to get more information.

You will never get the viewer to take action unless you can gently influence their thoughts. The story allows you to do this.


Don’t let your video die a quiet death in obscurity. Tell people about it. Networking is simply the process of telling people about your videos. Social media is perfect for this, but so is person-to- person interaction. Naturally, you want to make videos you can be proud of. If you’re selling hemorrhoid cream or porn, this might awkward, but then again, maybe not.

Video Marketing Made Easy.

Girl of about ten with freckles and long hair.Video SEO is continually evolving, but the basics include keyword research, an optimized title, optimized description, and optimized tags. This is an issue of getting it just right. And over-optimized video suffers just as much as an under-optimized video. It helps if you optimize for the viewer and not the search engines. This approach seems to balance it all out about right.

Keyword Research

The secret to success with video marketing is to find what people are looking for online and then giving it to them. This is where a good keyword tool is invaluable. It will tell you want people are searching for online and how to beat the competition to get it to them.

How to Make Money On YouTube Video.

Success with video marketing comes back to the bit of Hollywood wisdom we started with. Give the people what they want. A keyword tool will tell you what they want. It takes a little more work to turn that into profit, but it can be done.

Easy Video Marketing.

Don’t make the mistake of trying to talk people into buying something they don’t want. That is foolish and will not make you any money. If you want to make money with video, listen to Hollywood, give the people what they want. It’s so much easier that way.